Christmas to New Years in Naples, Italy

Christmas to New Years in Naples, Italy

“You geta outa right here.” Our taxi driver from the airport stops. “Canna drive no more too many people.” He points to the general direction of our hotel. We trudge and twist through jubilant crowds that cram the streets and alleys of Naples on Christmas evening. Di...
The Isle of Crete

The Isle of Crete

“Let’s go see Crete,” Marilynn says, “It has cool temperatures in the mid-sixties and seventies, and we’ve never been to Greece.” Sounds great. I am in. Anything to get out of this sweltering heat in Tbilisi, Georgia. Off we go to Crete. A most beautiful, historical,...
Armenia:  On a Tour of Life

Armenia: On a Tour of Life

Meet two tour guides that we have utilized during recent travels – Pavel, from Russia, and Oksana, from Ukraine. They share their different perspectives and experiences relative to the war in Ukraine. Pavel, who led us through the Greater Caucasus Mountains for...