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Advance Travel Plans Are Overrated

Good thing that we purchase one-way tickets most of the time when traveling. Our tour to trek and sight Gorilla families in Uganda and Rwanda has cancelled. Among legitimate reasons for the cancellation, the overwhelming one for us concerns the possible transmission of a respiratory disease (Covid) that has potential to wipe out the remaining gorilla families in the area. Fair enough.

So, here we sit on the Canary Island of Tenerife, Spain wondering where to go next. You see, we rented out our house in the US until the end of March in order to help fund the pricey gorilla excursion. We are homeless until April fool’s day. Our stay at the Cliff House has ended, and we must move on. Advance travel plans rarely work for us, as this incident further proves.

On the other hand, we are set free to explore the world. Covid has complicated the options. Plus, we have neither the clothing nor the current desire to hang out in countries with freezing winter temperatures. Here are a few that we have enjoyed. Click the links to read…, Polar Bears  TransylvaniaGreenland. 

We might as well hike into the heart of the lion – the volcanic mountain of Mt Teide. It feels like walking on the crispy surface of a different planet.

Of course, volcanoes form islands in our oceans, but this one happens to be the highest mountain in all of Spain, as well as in all the islands of the Atlantic. (3,715 meters/12,303 feet)

Traversing various trails in Teide National Park exposes an array of landscapes, depending on which side of the mountain you are on.

Add to the excitement by getting lost and turning a three-hour hike into five. Have no idea which side of the mountain we may be on. Now, that is why we call it an adventure.

We have earned a feast of meat. Those are not potatoes surrounding this tender steak in the photo, but chunks of fat that melt in your mouth!

Even the goat meat tastes tender and delicious when cooked in a sauce covered with French fries.

Before we turn in the rental car, a drive to the west coast will cross everything off Marilynn’s must do list. We take which could be the wildest twisty narrow mountain switchback road yet.

It brings us to the unique mountain village of Masca, in the middle of nowhere.

After driving this road, I understand why some cars come fitted with rubber side door bumpers. Yes, especially when negotiating right of way with a bus.

Time to turn in the rental car, take a week off from travel, and enjoy leisure in the thriving tourist area of Puerto De La Cruz.

A plethora of cafes, bars, restaurants, street and ocean walks await us just below our modest room.

For us, one week provides enough time to find our favorite meal of the entire stay on this island. It comes from Peruvian influence, served with head-sweating orange spicy sauce paired next to creamed garlic sauce that helps put out the fire. Talking about green-lipped mussels topped full of fresh salsa, along with a dish of prawns in an unidentifiable but tasty sauce. We shall return.

If you are still reading this, stay tuned for our next adventure. Yes, we make travel plans, but the impulsive type. The kind that we thrive on. We will visit the Canary Island of La Palma, just a short flight away. One month ago the Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption on La Palma was the longest ever and the most destructive. It left residents struggling. We hope that our tourist dollars can add a little help to the situation for the people who have faced significant devastation.

Meanwhile, we did it again. Made advance travel plans. We have booked another Cliff House on the Portuguese Island of Madeira off Africa’s northwest coast and not terribly far from here. We shall see if the plans stand.

Thank you, Abundant Universe!













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